Full HD photos on request
Get FULL HD images without having to read out the memory card
With this package you can have selected images sent to your SPYPOINT app in full resolution. All images are compressed before transmission and only then sent to save power and data. The package includes 50 pictures for 5€, which are free to use. So you can have especially nice pictures sent in full HD without having to read out the camera’s memory card.

How does the retrieval work?
After you have purchased the package, proceed as follows:
1. select a picture in the photo overview, which you would like to see in Full-HD.
2. click on the box “FULL-HD” in the upper right corner of the detailed overview. 3.
3. a window will open where you have to confirm the retrieval. 4.
4. you will get a notice that the image has been requested.
5. During the next transmission, the FULL HD image will replace the standard resolution image in your gallery.
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